
New Study Suggests Over a Third of Americans Have a “Sleep Divorce”

NEW STUDY SUGGESTS OVER A THIRD OF AMERICANS HAVE A “SLEEP DIVORCE” Have you heard of the term “sleep divorce?”…

24 Prayers to Pray Over Your Husband Daily

24 PRAYERS TO PRAY OVER YOUR HUSBAND DAILY By Rachel Wojo Years ago, I decided to consistently pray for my…

7 Prayers That Changed My Heart for My Husband

7 PRAYERS THAT CHANGED MY HEART FOR MY HUSBAND By Lori Freeland I’ve known my husband for thirty-three years. We…

9 Clear Signs Of A Relationship In Trouble, According To Experts

9 CLEAR SIGNS OF A RELATIONSHIP IN TROUBLE, ACCORDING TO EXPERTS And how to address the issues. By Graham Techler…

The Person Beside You: How Intimate Relationships Shape Our Lives

THE PERSON BESIDE YOU: HOW INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS SHAPE OUR LIVES By Marc Schulz Life becomes more complex as we age,…

10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist

10 INSIGHTS OF REMARKABLE PARENTS FROM A FAMILY THERAPIST By Angela Pruess What kind of parenting is most likely to…

Is Divorce Really a Sin?

IS DIVORCE REALLY A SIN? By Clarence L. Haynes Jr. Divorce is a  real and prevalent issue both inside and…

6 Amazing Roles That Grandparents Fill in Our Families Today

6 AMAZING ROLES THAT GRANDPARENTS FILL IN OUR FAMILIES TODAY By Amanda Idleman This past weekend our kids spent the…

9 Secrets of Happy, Healthy, and Emotionally Committed Relationships

9 SECRETS OF HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND EMOTIONALLY COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS By Kyle Benson Creating emotionally committed relationships is similar to baking…

How to Cope When Your Spouse Is Driving You Crazy

HOW TO COPE WHEN YOUR SPOUSE IS DRIVING YOU CRAZY By Joanna Teigen In the past, every day held exciting…


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