
How Porn Can Harm Consumers’ Sex Lives

HOW PORN CAN HARM CONSUMERS’ SEX LIVES Ironically, despite porn’s promise of improving consumers’ sex lives, there is growing evidence…

7 signs you’re on your way to a sexless marriage

7 SIGNS YOU’RE ON YOUR WAY TO A SEXLESS MARRIAGE Are you on your way to a sexless marriage? Be…

Cheating Spouse

CHEATING SPOUSE How to Respond When You’ve Been Betrayed By Guy Stuff Introduction A cheating spouse is something most of…

What You Should Know When You’re the Other Man

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW WHEN YOU’RE THE OTHER MAN By Lorin Harrott Are you the other man in a relationship?…

5 Intentional Questions to Regularly Ask Your Spouse

5 INTENTIONAL QUESTIONS TO REGULARLY ASK YOUR SPOUSE By Amanda Idleman There is nothing wrong with watching Netflix and relaxing…

Want to Improve Your Relationship? Start Paying More Attention to Bids

WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP? START PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO BIDS By Logan Ury Healthy couples constantly make and accept…

What Does Spiritual Leadership in Marriage Look Like?

WHAT DOES SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP IN MARRIAGE LOOK LIKE? By Katie T. Kennedy Our God is orderly. He created our world,…

How to Boost Your Wife’s Self-Confidence

HOW TO BOOST YOUR WIFE’S SELF-CONFIDENCE Uplift your wife when she’s at her worst. By Megan Bailey If someone ever insulted…

3 Ways Technology Ruins Intimacy

3 WAYS TECHNOLOGY RUINS INTIMACY Don’t let your cell phone ruin your marriage. By Taylor Fuqua Nothing is more annoying than…

Catch Those Little Foxes

CATCH THOSE LITTLE FOXES By Brent Rinehart “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for…


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