Human Behavior and Attitude

10 ways you are ruining your own happiness

10 WAYS YOU ARE RUINING YOUR OWN HAPPINESS Megan Shauri Life is too short to not be happy, but believe…

One Habit You Must Let Go to Be Happier

ONE HABIT YOU MUST LET GO TO BE HAPPIER Angel Chernoff “The trouble is if you don’t spend your life…

Is he in love with you? Here are 7 ways you can tell

IS HE IN LOVE WITH YOU? HERE ARE 7 WAYS YOU CAN TELL Mayra Bitsko Don’t assume he is not…

5 ways to deal with emotional earthquakes

5 WAYS TO DEAL WITH EMOTIONAL EARTHQUAKES Allyson Reynolds Do you try to keep it together as a parent but…

5 traits that make a woman irresistible

5 TRAITS THAT MAKE A WOMAN IRRESISTIBLE Erika Otero Romero Could your character be more irresistible than your looks? In…

5 signs you are dealing with a toxic person

5 SIGNS YOU ARE DEALING WITH A TOXIC PERSON David Simonsen We all may have toxic relationships but don’t realize…

7 surprising ways you’re destroying your health

7 SURPRISING WAYS YOU’RE DESTROYING YOUR HEALTH Heather Merrill Consider this a wake-up call from your future self. Here are…

Mind Your Language

MIND YOUR LANGUAGE Your tongue, or your tone, can make or break any relationship. Meaningful relationships are priceless pearls in…

5 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationships

5 WAYS TO STOP FEELING INSECURE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Marc Chernoff When I was younger I often felt inadequate and…

How to Change Your Negative Attitude (When You Can’t Change Anything Else)

HOW TO CHANGE YOUR NEGATIVE ATTITUDE (When You Can’t Change Anything Else) Angel Chernoff Happiness is in the mind, not…


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