
The 10 marriage commandments

THE 10 MARRIAGE COMMANDMENTS Heather Hale Create a lasting and fulfilling marriage by adopting these 10 guiding principles. As we…

9 things a married man should never say to another woman

9 THINGS A MARRIED MAN SHOULD NEVER SAY TO ANOTHER WOMAN Rachel De Castro It may look innocent, but it…

14 Surprising Confessions From ‘The Other Man’

14 SURPRISING CONFESSIONS FROM ‘THE OTHER MAN’ Brittany Wong “I’m the ‘other guy’ but I want to be her only…

8 Signs A Marriage Won’t Last, According To Divorce Lawyers

8 SIGNS A MARRIAGE WON’T LAST, ACCORDING TO DIVORCE LAWYERS Brittany Wong Avoid making these mistakes and you won’t end…

7 Differences Between A Healthy Relationship And A Toxic One

7 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP AND A TOXIC ONE Your partner should complement your life, not complete it. Brittany…

An Open Letter on Porn

AN OPEN LETTER ON PORN Drs. John & Julie Gottman Pornography in relationships has been an issue for a long…

The Other Room

THE OTHER ROOM The other room Where a woman pretends To be weak So that a man Can believe he…

What Do Women Really Want?

WHAT DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? John Gottman, Ph.D. New from the “Love Lab” comes the book that I have been…

How Much Do You Admire and Respect Your Partner?

HOW MUCH DO YOU ADMIRE AND RESPECT YOUR PARTNER? Kyle Benson Dr. Gottman’s research has shown that fondness and admiration…

Enrich Your Family Life, Part III

ENRICH YOUR FAMILY LIFE, PART III Richard Innes “Don’t sin by letting anger gain control over you. Don’t let the…


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