
19 Places To Find A Good Man

  19 PLACES TO FIND A GOOD MAN Farrah Gray You can wait on the lord all day to send you a…

Touch – A Simple Key to a Happy Marriage

TOUCH – A SIMPLE KEY TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE NurturingMarriage I recently stumbled upon a fascinating paragraph from the book…

25 Ways to Touch Your Spouse

A touch can be magical. Try, and see for yourself.

3 Reasons to Keep Trying to Be Intimate With Your Partner

3 REASONS TO KEEP TRYING TO BE INTIMATE WITH YOUR PARTNER The Relate Institute There you are, having a nice,…

5 Ways To Give Your Wife The Attention She Craves

5 WAYS TO GIVE YOUR WIFE THE ATTENTION SHE CRAVES NurturingMarriage Your wife craves affection from you. She literally needs…

Doing Things Your Lover Loves Because You Love Your Lover

DOING THINGS YOUR LOVER LOVES BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR LOVER Tawny May I’m going to tell you a story that…

How Much Sex Does Your Relationship Need?

HOW MUCH SEX DOES YOUR RELATIONSHIP NEED? The Relate Institute It’s a conflict that comes up in almost every relationship…

Are You Tired of Your Spouse Not Meeting Your Needs?

ARE YOU TIRED OF YOUR SPOUSE NOT MEETING YOUR NEEDS? NurturingMarriage It’s been a long day and you both just…

How to Trust Your Spouse

HOW TO TRUST YOUR SPOUSE Jimmy Evans God created marriage to succeed. That’s why He set down rules for men…

The Secret of Being Best Friends

THE SECRET OF BEING BEST FRIENDS Jimmy Evans The best marriages are built upon a foundation of good friendship. Before…


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