
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Without Drugs

GETTING A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP WITHOUT DRUGS Jane E. Brody Alternatives to prescription drugs for insomnia offer better, safer and…

Preparing My Family for Life Without Me

PREPARING MY FAMILY FOR LIFE WITHOUT ME Mary Bergstrom After eight heart attacks, a young wife and mother with an…

The Surprising Benefits of Relentlessly Auditing Your Life

THE SURPRISING BENEFITS OF RELENTLESSLY AUDITING YOUR LIFE Amy Westervelt We tend to think that good marriages and happy families…

Living and Loving Genuinely

LIVING AND LOVING GENUINELY sheqoz I’m sitting by the fireplace watching the flames make patterns as if dancing to some…

How to Reduce Stress Fast

HOW TO REDUCE STRESS FAST sheqoz In today’s fast paced world, stress can easily take a toll on you. Situations…

Can’t Shed Pounds? Here Are 8 Reasons Why!

CAN’T SHED POUNDS? HERE ARE 8 REASONS WHY! Charley Reid Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight, no matter how badly we…

5 Ways Volunteer Work Can Help Heal Depression

5 WAYS VOLUNTEER WORK CAN HELP HEAL DEPRESSION Team Lovepanky Getting through depression is one of the toughest things a…

12 things we all do that actually make our life much worse

12 SIMPLE THINGS YOU DO TO MAKE YOUR LIFE MUCH WORSE Lakeisha Ethans Has life been unfair to you? You…

Conquering Fear

CONQUERING FEAR Richard Innes Ann Landers, the former well-known newspaper counselor, received an average of 10,000 letters a month. Almost…

Don’t Let Bitterness Ruin your Marriage

DON’T LET BITTERNESS RUIN YOUR MARRIAGE Sheqoz Marriages break because of bitterness Marriage is Work in Progress: Marital problems are…


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