
Managing Fear After Mass Violence

MANAGING FEAR AFTER MASS VIOLENCE Jessica Grose My older daughter was less than a week old when the Sandy Hook…

John Gottman and Brené Brown on Running Headlong Into Heartbreak

JOHN GOTTMAN AND BRENÉ BROWN ON RUNNING HEADLONG INTO HEARTBREAK Kerry Lusignan To a seasoned couples therapist, the telltale signs…

Behind Every Woman’s Body Is a Woman

BEHIND EVERY WOMAN’S BODY IS A WOMAN Noah Filipiak When you look at pornography, what you end up seeing is…

The Apostle Paul: His Secret to Fighting Sexual Sin

THE APOSTLE PAUL: HIS SECRET TO FIGHTING SEXUAL SIN Luke Gilkerson Hugh Hefner didn’t invent sexual sin. It is a…

How to Change the Way You Feel (Without Changing Anything Else)

HOW TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL (WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING ELSE) Marc Chernoff Happiness does not start with a relationship,…

The Lies of Lust: Promises That Never Deliver

THE LIES OF LUST: PROMISES THAT NEVER DELIVER Noah Filipiak The “Lust Trap” can reel you in anytime, anywhere. Its…

10 Phrases You Should Never Say to Someone Experiencing Betrayal Trauma

10 PHRASES YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO SOMEONE EXPERIENCING BETRAYAL TRAUMA Beth Denison Discovering the sexual betrayal of a spouse…

Why Marriage Won’t Cure Your Porn Problem

WHY MARRIAGE WON’T CURE YOUR PORN PROBLEM Bobby Angel For many of us who have grown up with the presence…

A Letter to My Younger Self on My Wedding Day

A LETTER TO MY YOUNGER SELF ON MY WEDDING DAY Shantel Patu Dear younger self,  I’m writing to explain what…

Being a Woman of Grace

BEING A WOMAN OF GRACE I’ve been growing intently for years now in trying to become what I would call a…


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