
Why Your Marriage Needs Sex

WHY YOUR MARRIAGE NEEDS SEX By Janel Breitenstein When my four kids were little and life resembled a 24-hour paper…

The Blame Game: Attachment Dynamics in Conflict and Reconnection

THE BLAME GAME: ATTACHMENT DYNAMICS IN CONFLICT AND RECONNECTION By Kyle Benson In the intricate dance of romantic relationships, an…

5 Steps to Take for Reviving a Dead Marriage

5 STEPS TO TAKE FOR REVIVING A DEAD MARRIAGE By Jennifer Slattery Are you tempted to give up? To harden…

What I Wish My Dad Taught Me When I Was Little, According To 11 Men

WHAT I WISH MY DAD TAUGHT ME WHEN I WAS LITTLE, ACCORDING TO 11 MEN It’s impossible to teach everything.…

7 tests that determine if your relationship can last

7 TESTS THAT DETERMINE IF YOUR RELATIONSHIP CAN LAST Don’t get married unless you can pass these 7 tests. By Melinda…

Mindful Parenting: How to Raise Kind and Conscious Teens

MINDFUL PARENTING: HOW TO RAISE KIND AND CONSCIOUS TEENS By Aziza Seykota Mindfulness can help you connect with your teen.…

10 Warning Signs of Narcissistic Manipulation

10 WARNING SIGNS OF NARCISSISTIC MANIPULATION By Jolene Underwood I love the church, the body of believers uniquely and beautifully…

6 ways you are unconsciously destroying your kids’ self-esteem

6 WAYS YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUSLY DESTROYING YOUR KIDS’ SELF-ESTEEM The things you do to help your kids may actually be…

5 Ways to Use Loving Words with Your Spouse

5 WAYS TO USE LOVING WORDS WITH YOUR SPOUSE By Dr. David B. Hawkins We all respond favorably to a…

10 Things Your Husband Hates about Church

10 THINGS YOUR HUSBAND HATES ABOUT CHURCH By Cindi McMenamin I know how you feel. There are certain things your…


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