
10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist

10 INSIGHTS OF REMARKABLE PARENTS FROM A FAMILY THERAPIST By Angela Pruess What kind of parenting is most likely to…

Is Divorce Really a Sin?

IS DIVORCE REALLY A SIN? By Clarence L. Haynes Jr. Divorce is a  real and prevalent issue both inside and…

How to Cope When Your Spouse Is Driving You Crazy

HOW TO COPE WHEN YOUR SPOUSE IS DRIVING YOU CRAZY By Joanna Teigen In the past, every day held exciting…

A Back-to-School Message for Parents

A BACK-TO-SCHOOL MESSAGE FOR PARENTS There are many potential dangers your child could face in the classroom, so it’s important…

“I Married The Wrong Person, Please Help”

“I MARRIED THE WRONG PERSON, PLEASE HELP” By Dr. Kurt Smith, LMFT, LPCC, AFC We receive many questions from married couples…

5 Ways to Survive a Belittling Spouse

5 WAYS TO SURVIVE A BELITTLING SPOUSE By Michelle S. Lazurek Marriage is the mirror of the relationship between Christ…

Why you aren’t your daughter’s best friend

WHY YOU AREN’T YOUR DAUGHTER’S BEST FRIEND It is possible to have your child as your best friend. However, that…

Keep Your Relationship Positive With These 9 Tips

KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIP POSITIVE WITH THESE 9 TIPS Looking for ways to take your relationship to the next level? There…

How to Parent Your Grown Children without Smothering Them

HOW TO PARENT YOUR GROWN CHILDREN WITHOUT SMOTHERING THEM By Cindi McMenamin As our children age, they tend to not…

6 Steps to Becoming an Emotionally Available Partner

6 STEPS TO BECOMING AN EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE PARTNER By Kyle Benson Being emotionally available isn’t as easy as it sounds.  This…


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