

The Human Heart Was Made to Be Known and Loved

THE HUMAN HEART WAS MADE TO BE KNOWN AND LOVED Kyle Benson What were you made for? You were made…

Why can’t you forgive?

WHY CAN’T YOU FORGIVE? I always tell myself that when you live your life without anyone hurting, disappointing, disgracing or…

Affairs happen. Now how do I survive?

AFFAIRS HAPPEN. NOW HOW DO I SURVIVE? BestMarriages There is probably nothing more devastating to a relationship than an affair, no…

Hurt Feelings Do Not Mean You Did Something Wrong

HURT FEELINGS DO NOT MEAN YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG LaVerna Wilk I was recently visiting with a friend and she…

5 things to know after the wedding

5 THINGS TO KNOW AFTER THE WEDDING Obalolu Davies As you change your status from fiancé and fiancée to husband…

How to End Screen Time Without A Struggle

HOW TO END SCREEN TIME WITHOUT A STRUGGLE Anita Lehmann Do you ever struggle with getting your kids off the…

5 Things Most Unhappy People Refuse To Admit

5 THINGS MOST UNHAPPY PEOPLE REFUSE TO ADMIT Angel Chernoff Everyone experiences an unhappy mood on occasion, but there is…

The Greater Gift Came Later

THE GREATER GIFT CAME LATER Donna Miller My husband was seriously injured at work in August 2002. He was unable to…

Win Relationship Conflict By Letting Your Partner Win Too

WIN RELATIONSHIP CONFLICT BY LETTING YOUR PARTNER WIN TOO Kyle Benson Good relationships are built on the belief of what’s good…

5 Relationship Red Flags You Should Never Ignore

5 RELATIONSHIP RED FLAGS YOU SHOULD NEVER IGNORE Peg Streep Paying attention is half the battle but you both need…


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