Month: June 2019

Humility in Relationships

HUMILITY IN RELATIONSHIPS Os Hillman “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud…

The Many Faces of Family and Love: There Is No “Best” One

THE MANY FACES OF FAMILY AND LOVE: THERE IS NO “BEST” ONE Bella DePaulo A commonsense manifesto for valuing all…

Why Some Children Are Orchids and Others Are Dandelions

WHY SOME CHILDREN ARE ORCHIDS AND OTHERS ARE DANDELIONS W. Thomas Boyce Many children are able to thrive in any…

Emotional Intelligence Creates Loving and Supportive Parenting

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE CREATES LOVING AND SUPPORTIVE PARENTING John Gottman In the foreword to my book, Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, famed researcher…

Living and Loving Genuinely

LIVING AND LOVING GENUINELY sheqoz I’m sitting by the fireplace watching the flames make patterns as if dancing to some…

30 Honest Life Truths You Must Know Before Hitting 30

30 HONEST LIFE TRUTHS YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE HITTING 30 Team Lovepanky Hitting the big 3-0 is a monumental step…

Why Does Dating Get Harder When You Reach Your 20’s?

WHY DOES DATING GET HARDER WHEN YOU REACH YOUR 20’S? Waverly Smith You’re older and wiser. You know what you…


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