Personal Growth and Development

Ringing in the New Year with Relationship Resolutions

RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH RELATIONSHIP RESOLUTIONS Sanaa Hyder, M.S.Ed. As a couples therapist, the new year makes me…

3 Toxic Beliefs Most People Think Are Normal

3 TOXIC BELIEFS MOST PEOPLE THINK ARE NORMAL Angel Chernoff Let me distract you for a moment and give you…

12 Things You Should Let Go of in 2017

12 THINGS YOU SHOULD LET GO OF IN 2017 Angel Chernoff How much needles stress are you carrying around right…

One Surprisingly Simple Phrase that Will Change Your Life

ONE SURPRISINGLY SIMPLE PHRASE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Angel Chernoff Many of the biggest misunderstandings in life could be…

5 Rules for Turning Endings into New Beginnings

5 RULES FOR TURNING ENDINGS INTO NEW BEGINNINGS Angel Chernoff Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.  You…

Our journey together is too short

OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER IS TOO SHORT A young lady sat in a bus. At the next stop a loud and…

3 ways you unknowingly destroy your children’s self-esteem

3 WAYS YOU UNKNOWINGLY DESTROY YOUR CHILDREN’S SELF-ESTEEM By Damara Simmons Parents want their children to grow up self-confident and…

16 Insanely Popular Ways to Waste a Beautiful Day

16 INSANELY POPULAR WAYS TO WASTE A BEAUTIFUL DAY Marc Chernoff How often are you stuck deep in a cycle…

7 things to do when you don’t feel beautiful

7 THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL BEAUTIFUL FamilyShare Sponsored Sometimes you just feel ugly. Here’s how to fix…

10 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year Starts

10 THINGS TO LET GO OF BEFORE THE NEW YEAR STARTS Angel Chernoff In the fall of 2002, after a…


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