Life and Living

5 Ways Volunteer Work Can Help Heal Depression

5 WAYS VOLUNTEER WORK CAN HELP HEAL DEPRESSION Team Lovepanky Getting through depression is one of the toughest things a…

18 Ways to Have High Self-Esteem and Start Winning at Life

18 WAYS TO HAVE HIGH SELF-ESTEEM AND START WINNING AT LIFE Tiffany Grace Reyes It’s normal to feel down once…

Achieving Self-Acceptance: 10 Little Steps for One Big Change

ACHIEVING SELF-ACCEPTANCE: 10 LITTLE STEPS FOR ONE BIG CHANGE Bella Pope Accepting yourself for who you are isn’t easy. If…

12 things we all do that actually make our life much worse

12 SIMPLE THINGS YOU DO TO MAKE YOUR LIFE MUCH WORSE Lakeisha Ethans Has life been unfair to you? You…

The Value Dating Economy

THE VALUE DATING ECONOMY Kyle Benson It’s Easter. You’re in the grocery store, and you can’t stop staring at the…

Conquering Fear

CONQUERING FEAR Richard Innes Ann Landers, the former well-known newspaper counselor, received an average of 10,000 letters a month. Almost…

Five Kinds of Clutter

FIVE KINDS OF CLUTTER Randy Carlson Clutter is more than just a closet that needs to be cleaned out at…

5 Things to Do When Life Makes No Sense

5 THINGS TO DO WHEN LIFE MAKES NO SENSE Randy Carlson Joseph’s life, told in Genesis, is a reminder that…

If You’re Feeling Like You Married the Wrong Person…

IF YOU’RE FEELING LIKE YOU MARRIED THE WRONG PERSON… Intentional Living Do you feel like you married the wrong person?…

Practice Intentional Love

PRACTICE INTENTIONAL LOVE Intentional Living The world is in a race to the bottom. Living a Christian life is not…


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