
When is it time to say “This relationship is over”?

WHEN IS IT TIME TO SAY “THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER”? Michele Gruenhage Frequently people come into my office unsure about…

The Death of Love Isn’t Natural: The 7 Steps to Separation

THE DEATH OF LOVE ISN’T NATURAL: THE 7 STEPS TO SEPARATION Kyle Benson “Love never dies a natural death. It…

5 Reasons why partners drift apart

5 REASONS WHY PARTNERS DRIFT APART Mayowa Durojaye Ever wondered why a relationship that was seemingly going smoothly then takes…

Why are you rushing to get married?

WHY ARE YOU RUSHING TO GET MARRIED? Better single and slaying than married and miserable. Ayoola Adetayo I’ll be the…

The Death of Love Isn’t Natural: The 7 Steps to Separation

THE DEATH OF LOVE ISN’T NATURAL: THE 7 STEPS TO SEPARATION Kyle Benson “Love never dies a natural death. It…

Should You Tell Your Partner You Cheated?

SHOULD YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER YOU CHEATED? Robert Weiss Will telling the truth help or hurt your relationship? I’m going…

Just Because You’re Lonely, Doesn’t Mean You’re Ready

JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE LONELY, DOESN’T MEAN YOU’RE READY Real, Yes—Reality, Not Necessarily! Russell Friedman The divorce rate—as high as it is—isn’t an…

3 Signs That You’re Stuck in a Bad Relationship

3 SIGNS THAT YOU’RE STUCK IN A BAD RELATIONSHIP How to know when it’s time to go. Kelly Campbell Ph.D.…

5 situations where a divorce is justified before God

5 SITUATIONS WHERE A DIVORCE IS JUSTIFIED BEFORE GOD Erika Strassburger There are many reasons why someone can seek divorce…

The Strange Reason Breaking Up Sucks

THE STRANGE REASON BREAKING UP SUCKS Kyle Benson A man will cut your knee cap off and feed it to sharks,…


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