
6 pieces of advice that helped me find my soul mate

6 PIECES OF ADVICE THAT HELPED ME FIND MY SOUL MATE Tana Bolinger It’s only been a few months, and…

8 Things Men Do That Women Find Attractive

8 THINGS MEN DO THAT WOMEN FIND ATTRACTIVE There’re several ways to get a woman’s attention and they start with…

5 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationships

5 WAYS TO STOP FEELING INSECURE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Marc Chernoff When I was younger I often felt inadequate and…

How Being ‘Mad’ is Hurting Your Relationship

HOW BEING ‘MAD’ IS HURTING YOUR RELATIONSHIP The Relate Institute Have you ever been mad at someone and thought, “Why am…

The Night Our First Marriage Ended

THE NIGHT OUR FIRST MARRIAGE ENDED NurturingMarriage This heartfelt essay is a true story written by one of our followers.…

15 ways to ensure you don’t get taken advantage of

15 WAYS TO ENSURE YOU DON’T GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF Avvo People may be taking advantage of you without you…

6 Things Never To Tolerate From A Man

6 THINGS NEVER TO TOLERATE FROM A MAN Farrah Gray It’s exciting and fun at the beginning of any relationship,…

7 signs it’s time to walk away (even if you love him)

7 SIGNS IT’S TIME TO WALK AWAY (EVEN IF YOU LOVE HIM) Hannah Rose Sometimes the very best thing to…

7 ‘Before the Wedding’ Steps that Initiate a Successful Marriage

7 ‘BEFORE THE WEDDING’ STEPS THAT INITIATE A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE Marc Chernoff Marriage can be wonderful, but only if you…

7 Ways to Get Out of a Bad Date

7 WAYS TO GET OUT OF A BAD DATE Farrah Gray It happens. That great-looking guy with the new BMW turns out to be…


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