5 Quotes and Notes We Need to Read 5 Times a Day Until They Sink In

5 Quotes and Notes We Need to Read 5 Times a Day Until They Sink In


By Angel Chernoff

1. Life will continue to direct you, correct you, and perfect you over the course of 2022. Embrace this gradual evolution. You are not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago. You’re always growing.

2. Your struggles are helping you grow in ways you can’t imagine. It might be hard to see right now, but one day you’ll look back and realize things had to happen the way they did to get you to where you are. Trust that today’s challenges will be responsible for your future growth.

3. Peace does not mean to be in a space where there is no chaos, trouble, or hard realities to deal with. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still remain mentally, emotionally and physically balanced.

4. You’ll always be too much for someone — too sensitive, too smart, too loud… too edgy. And if you round out your edges to make them happy, you’ll lose your edge. Take this to heart! Apologize for your mistakes, but don’t apologize for being who you are.

5. Be humble at the mountaintops, strong in the valleys, and faithful in between. And on particularly hard days when you feel you can’t endure, remind yourself that your track record for getting through hard days has been 100% so far.

The bottom line is, despite the real-world challenges you face, the biggest and most complex obstacle you will ever have to personally overcome is your own mind. In other words, you aren’t responsible for everything that happens to you in life, but you ARE responsible for undoing the self-defeating thinking patterns that these undesirable experiences create.

YES, YOU CAN THINK BETTER, which means you can tap into your inner strength and ultimately live better.


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