Month: February 2018

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

THE HEALING POWER OF FORGIVENESS Dale Archer The families of slain church members teach us a lesson in forgiveness. In…

The Danger of Manipulative Love-Bombing in a Relationship

THE DANGER OF MANIPULATIVE LOVE-BOMBING IN A RELATIONSHIP Dale Archer Spot the warning signs of love bombing early and recover…

10 signs your spouse is cheating

10 SIGNS YOUR SPOUSE IS CHEATING Diana Brante Morales Worried that your spouse is being unfaithful? Here are 10 red…

21 romantic texts that’ll make your husband crazy for you

21 ROMANTIC TEXTS THAT’LL MAKE YOUR HUSBAND CRAZY FOR YOU Katelyn Carmen What man wouldn’t love one of these? Showing…

The Misplaced Car Key

THE MISPLACED CAR KEY She gave her car key to the youngest child in the car while she went to…

The Prowling Destroyer

THE PROWLING DESTROYER He was having his evening beverage. That’s when she joined him. “Hi there, handsome, you’re looking good.…

The Death of Love Isn’t Natural: The 7 Steps to Separation

THE DEATH OF LOVE ISN’T NATURAL: THE 7 STEPS TO SEPARATION Kyle Benson “Love never dies a natural death. It…

Negative Emotions Offer Opportunities for Connection

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS OFFER OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONNECTION Kyle Benson When I work with couples, it’s not uncommon for one partner to…

9 qualities of a good father

9 QUALITIES OF A GOOD FATHER Gary & John Lundberg A father has many roles to play, all designed to…

12 things you should know when raising a daughter

12 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW WHEN RAISING A DAUGHTER Karissa Ancell Here are 12 things you should know to help…


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