Words of Love

Words of Love


By Richard (Dick) Innes

One of my favorite songs sung by the Bee Gees a number of years ago included a very interesting use of words of love in the following: “It’s only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away.”

With words we can make people laugh—or cry; respond positively—or negatively; draw people closer to us—or drive them away. Perhaps you can use some of the following words of love to let loved ones and friends know how much you care.


Love, like a tree,
sends its roots down deep
so when the storms of life abound
and the winds of adversity blow,
it shakes and bends
and goes with the flow
but doesn’t break or fall.

And during times of drought
it drives its roots down deeper
so whatever comes and goes—
summer, winter, spring, or fall,
the good times and the bad—
it stands the test of all.

  • Dick Innes


Whether by
strange coincidence
or divine guidance
in the course of our life
we cross paths with
many people.

Some move towards us,
others move away.
Some we choose to remember,
others to forget.

But with a special few
we seem to have no choice,
for each has made an impact
on the other, and their
memory will live on forever.

These people we call friends.
You, to me, are such a one.

  • Dick Innes


Words spoken
may soon pass away
and forgotten be,
But when spoken
in love and kindness,
are like beautiful flowers,
and even though
they fade and die
from conscious memory,
their fragrance lives on
embedded in the
deeper mind –

  • Dick Innes

Garden of My Heart

If every thought
I had of you
was a rose and
every rose a word,
I would keep
picking endless roses
from the garden
of my heart
And speak them
all to you.

  • Dick Innes

Forever Friend

In the course of life’s journey
we rub shoulders with many people,
some are warm and open,
others afraid and closed.
Some we connect with,
others come and soon are gone.
Some linger awhile,
but every now and then…
either through fate or by chance,
or because of a Higher Power…
in an unexpected moment
we are touched by a smile
that lingers in the memory.
We meet again and the more
we do the more we know
that we have met a friend,
and we’ll be friends forever.
Next to God
there is no greater gift in life
than a forever-friend.
I hope that we can be such friends.

  • Dick Innes


You walked into my life
You smiled a gentle smile,
spoke a kind word,
and placed some
flowers in my hand–
an orchid and
And then you left.
The flowers have
long since faded
but the fragrance of
your presence never will.
So be assured of this–
I will forget you not!

  • Dick Innes

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