One Wake-Up Call Unhappy People Refuse to Answer

One Wake-Up Call Unhappy People Refuse to Answer


Angel Chernoff

Do you feel like something “needs to change” in your life?

If so, this article might be the most important thing you read today.

But first, I want to share a powerful story about an amazing woman…

Her name is Michelle. It’s been 10 years since she answered a “wake-up” call and began to RADICALLY, yet gradually, change her life.
In just a decade she has:

  • Overcome a heartbreaking divorce
  • Transformed her diet
  • Paid off a substantial amount of debt
  • Massively decluttered her physical and mental space
  • Deepened her most important relationships
  • Owned her imperfections
  • Made incredible progress toward a major lifelong goal
  • And taken her life back

Maybe her story can be your wake-up call.

Michelle didn’t “plan” to make all of these changes. But here was the incredible discovery:

Each ONE change inspired and encouraged the next. Like dominos falling in line, the momentum carried through to help her make the other changes easier and faster.

So what was Michelle’s wake up call that later went on to transform her entire life?

A phone call from her neurologist’s office telling her that all the intense migrain headaches she was hopelessly battling were basically self-created. She was not effectively handling the stress in her life, and it was physically and mentally incapacitating her.

Michelle had other wake-up calls earlier on, but she was too busy and distracted to answer them.

As Elaine St. James so wisely said:

“One of the reasons we keep our lives so complicated is so we won’t have to listen to our inner voice telling us what we need to do to make our lives work better.”

Can you relate to keeping yourself busy and distracted so you don’t have to listen to that inner voice?

If so, here’s the good news: once Michelle made a little time and space to hear her inner voice – to really listen – changing got easier, exciting even.

As her inner voice became easier to hear, she was able to gracefully let go of the things and people not meant for her and gain more clarity about what she really needed in her life.

Before then, she had basically forgotten that she had a choice.

And the funny part is that even though “letting go” was at the core of every powerful change she made, she didn’t realize this until she looked back years later.

Had she realized that eliminating distractions, reducing stress, and rejecting manufactured busyness is the fastest path to building a happy, beautiful, joyful life… it wouldn’t have taken a decade.

She may have been able to make massive changes a lot quicker.

Is this your wake-up call?
How many times have you thought “this isn’t working” or “something is not right” or “things have to change”? – those thoughts and words are from your inner voice. It’s your wake-up call calling.

You don’t need a neurologist’s diagnosis or major crisis to wake up. No one needs to tell you because you already know. Your inner voice has been trying to tell you, but in case it’s been a challenge to find time and space to listen through the chaos, maybe you’ll resonate with one of these situations.

  • If your life is on auto-pilot, this is your wake-up call.
  • If you never put yourself first, this is your wake-up call.
  • If you’ve become someone you don’t recognize to please other people or to chase some version of success that doesn’t resonate with you, this is your wake-up call.
  • If you are constantly numbing out with food, shopping, booze, TV, or other distractions, this is your wake-up call.
  • If you are worn down, beat up, stressed out, and completely depleted, this is your wake-up call.

Getting your wake-up call is not the hard part, answering the call is. Choosing to answer the call instead of ignoring it is hard. Right now, it may feel easier to keep going, and going, and going. But you know if you don’t find a way out of the endless cycle you’re in, it’s going to get worse.


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