How to Make Calmness Your New Superpower

How to Make Calmness Your New Superpower


Angel Chernoff


Calmness can be your superpower today!

The ability to not overreact or take things personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace.

And yes, remind yourself that YOU CAN get rid of all the stress inside you created by others, the past, and uncontrollable events…

By being a conscious witness of your thoughts.

It’s about sitting quietly and witnessing the thoughts passing through you. Just witnessing at first, not judging, because by judging too rapidly you have lost the pure witness. The moment you rush to say, “This is good” or “This is bad,” you have already jumped headfirst into the stress.

Of course, it takes a little time to create a gap between the witnessing of thoughts and your reaction to them. Once the gap is there, though, you are in for a great surprise—that you are not the thoughts themselves, nor the stress influencing them. You are the witness, a watcher, who’s superpower is changing your mind and rising above the turmoil.

This process of thought-watching is the very alchemy of true mindfulness. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, the stressful thoughts start disappearing. You are thinking, but the mind is void of senseless chatter.

It’s a moment of enlightenment—a moment that you become, perhaps for the first time, an unconditioned, sane, truly free human being.

So today, let this be your reminder to let all the small annoyances go. Move through your day consciously. Notice at least one insignificant little frustration that you would normally experience, then do yourself a favor and simply let it go. Experience, in this little way, the freedom of being in control of the way you feel. And realize that you can extend this same level of control to every situation you encounter in life.

At almost any given moment, the way you feel is the way you choose to feel, and the way you react is the way you choose to react.

When you think better, you live better.


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