5 Notes to Self You Should Memorize Before the New Year

5 Notes to Self You Should Memorize Before the New Year


By Angel Chernoff

1. Don’t wait for Christmas. Don’t wait for Spring. Don’t wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead. Just appreciate where you are. You’ve come a long way, and you’re still growing. Be thankful for the lessons and present opportunities.

2. Forget popularity; focus on sincerity. Do what you do, not for applause, but because it is what is right for you.

3. If you take everything personally, you will be offended for the rest of your life. Remember this. What others say and do is mostly because of them, not you. So let their opinions inform you, don’t let them limit you.

4. You may not be able to control the impolite things some people say and do to you, but you can decide not to be endlessly reduced and distracted by them. So instead of dwelling on the people who have let you down, refocus your energy this holiday season on cherishing those who lift you up.

5. Most of the time, the secret to happiness and peace is letting the present situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be, and making the best of it.

The bottom line is, despite the real-world challenges you face, the biggest and most complex obstacle you will ever have to personally overcome is your own mind. In other words, you aren’t responsible for everything that happens to you in life, but you ARE responsible for undoing the self-defeating thinking patterns that these undesirable experiences create.

YES, YOU CAN THINK BETTER, which means you can tap into your inner strength and ultimately live better.

And yes, of course, that’s sometimes easier said than done.

Thinking better when you’re in the heat of a tough season may take guidance and practice, but you can if you wish.


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