10 Worst Parenting Mistakes

10 Worst Parenting Mistakes



Parenting doesn’t follow set rules or come with a handbook. It’s quite like an on-the-job training. You learn as you play the role of a parent. In the course of that role, all parents, though wanting only the best for their kids, end up making certain mistakes.

These mistakes do not just affect their parenting but also even hamper a child’s growth. Therefore, it is very important that parents stay aware of the worst parenting mistakes they make, often unintentionally.

Let’s understand these mistakes in detail; have a look:

  1. Doing too much for kids

This is one mistake made by almost all parents. In their desire to make life easy for their children, parents tend to overdo things. They fulfill all the demands of their children, come up with instant solutions to all of their problems, and do things on their behalf without allowing them to take a stand of their own. This makes the children dependent on their parents and never lets their inner confidence build up. It is always better to let kids manage their things while parents act as a guide.

  1. Forcing on expectations

As parents, you will certainly have some expectations of your kids. However, that doesn’t mean you force your expectations and choices on them. If you hold very high expectations, kids will always be under the pressure of performing up to that level and this will instill a fear of failure in them. It will be good if you can keep expectations realistic and let your children make their own choices.

  1. Not listening enough

As a parent, you must be sure to listen to your child’s concerns. If you don’t give him an ear, he will never be able to connect with you emotionally. Spending quality time and listening to his thoughts and ideas will help you understand your child in a better way.

  1. Comparing and criticizing

Comparing the skills and qualities of your child with those of other kids will never inspire him. In fact, it will only demean and demoralize him. Also, criticism is good only if done in a constructive way. You should refrain from comparing or criticizing your kids in a way that can hurt their emotions.

  1. Not communicating well

Communication is the key to building successful relationships. It is true for the relationship between a parent and his child. When you communicate in a healthy way, your child feels motivated and develops trust in you. He will never shy away from confiding in you and his overall development will happen in the right way.

  1. Acting like a Servant

One of the objectives of child-rearing is to make them grow into mature and self-reliant individuals. Therefore, it is important that you make them aware of duties and responsibilities right from a young age. They need responsibilities to feel mature and part of the family. This helps them in developing the skills they will need in future for living on their own. So don’t act like a servant and do everything for them.

  1. Consistently Giving In to Your Kids

When you persistently give in to pressure or demand from your child, it shows that you’ve given up on your responsibility as parent. You are no longer directing him toward an accountable behavior and effective decision-making. Fulfill demands that are justified; it is good to say NO to certain demands or requests.

  1. Not Setting Limits

Be it a grown adult or a child, limits are essential for everyone. And when a child is growing up, he certainly needs some limits to govern his behavior. You must understand that limits are not necessarily negative. They’re hopes and behavior guidelines that encourage secure and healthy growth.

  1. Failing to Stretch Limits

Set rules for kids to keep your children disciplined, but do not forget that rules too need some flexibility. As kids mature, they will need more space, a right to make choices and own decisions. Therefore, you will have to ensure that the limits you have made for them can be stretched to accommodate their growing needs.

  1. Not Following Through

You may have established a right set of limits but if you fail to emphasize the consequences of not observing those limits, all your efforts would be futile. At some point, kids will experiment with you to know how stern you are about those limits. That’s why you must establish limits and unambiguously communicate the consequence of breaking those rules.

Your parenting will never go wrong if you can avoid these mistakes and handle things in the right manner.


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