Your Spouse Would Love a Date With You

Your Spouse Would Love a Date With You

How are you coming at the #onesmallchange challenge? It’s true, we haven’t asked much of you and perhaps this has been way too easy, but we hope you have felt the power of taking one small step in the right direction.

Perhaps nothing drastic has changed in your marriage, but that’s okay.

That wasn’t the point. The point was to encourage you to make just some small effort to do what YOU could to nurture your marriage this month.

We hope you have learned a thing or two, or even just recognized the need for very realistic goals and expectations that will lead you to the marriage of your dreams.

See, you already know this, but your marriage is, in large part, what you make of it.

If you start thinking and speaking positively about your marriage, and doing small things to serve your spouse, then you will begin to find joy.

You are right, your spouse may still be aloof or bitter or ornery or hard to live with, but you can only change you, so let’s start there.

Now, get excited because your Week 4 challenge is so “typical marriage advice,” and so “are you serious?” and so desperately needed by couples the world over.


​Yes, your #onesmallchallenge has to do with date night. You and your spouse need one together. ASAP.

Here at Nurturing Marriage, we believe that consistent and intentional dating is vital to nurturing a close, happy, and fulfilled marriage.

We know what you are thinking, dating is what happens before you get married. And before you have kids. We get it.

It’s true, dating comes with a cost – it takes effort, time, and (of course) a little bit of moola (though there are plenty of great cheap date ideas – check out our Pinterest board).

The cost yields high rewards though – a happier marriage, a deeper friendship with your spouse, and TONS of awesome shared memories, just to name a few. ​


1. Answer the questions on page one. Check out Groupon to think about what kind of date your spouse would love.

2. Figure out date/time/sitter details before you plan the date. You are right, you could plan your date first if there is a specific event or concert you want to attend. If not, schedule the date in, and then work on the details.

3. Plan your date night! These ideas may help you:

Pinterest – this board, this board, and this board
Groupon – just peruse, you will LOVE the fun and creative ideas available in your area!
40 Fabulous Spring Date Ideas
5 Fresh Date Ideas for Mornings
100 Winter Date Ideas

4. Make sure food is involved. No one wants to be on a date with a hangry spouse.

5. Ask your spouse out. Here are a few creative ways to do just that.

6. Have a great time. If you have forgotten how to talk to your spouse, you may want to read through these articles:

Date Night Conversation Starters You Have to Try Out
36 Questions that will Help You Fall in Love with Your Spouse Again
5 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

Now, you may be thinking that this was supposed to be one SMALL challenge. It is. One date. Pretty simple. Sure, we are giving you a lot of guidelines that may help make it the best. date. ever. but the challenge is simply to go on a date with your spouse. You can do it!

In all of this, please remember that dating your spouse will rekindle romance, give you an added sense of cohesion, and create memories you will talk about for years! So, commit (or recommit) now to #onesmallchange – and take your spouse on a date!

Happy nurturing!


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