These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship


Monakshi Vohra

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

When it comes to relationships, the love we share with each other is never lost; but after you’ve been together for a considerable time, it seems to fade away. We often forget to tell our partner that we love them, appreciate them and would still do anything for them.

The best part about a relationship is the fact that you find comfort in each other. There are no grand gestures needed but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do some small things to remind your partner on a daily basis that your love for them is still alive.

Here are 11 simple things you can do for your partner which are just like saying, “I love you”:

1. Always ask them how their day was because it lets them know that you still care. It’ll also keep you informed about what your partner is going through so that you can extend a helping hand whenever needed, making sure they never feel lonely.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

2. A tiny kiss before you leave for work or before going to bed will make them feel like you’re thankful about their existence in your life. Don’t we all want to feel that way?

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

3. Make them tea or coffee once they’re back home. You will find that it instantly puts a smile on their face.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

4. Send across lunch or drop it to their office, if you have time. This will make sure they know that you’re always thinking about their well being.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

5. We often end up taking our partners and the things they do for us for granted. Remember to say a ‘thank you’ to them every time they do something for you so that they know you appreciate the effort that they put into the relationship.
These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship
6. In today’s age, we often spend so much time glued to our smartphones that we forget all the people in the room. Make sure you put your phone aside for at least 30 minutes a day and give that time exclusively to your partner.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

7. Surprise them! Don’t forget to surprise them once in a while to see the instant joy. It could be preparing breakfast or just booking tickets to the latest movie. Whatever it is, it’ll make them happy to know you’re still making an effort to surprise them.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

8. Make sure you compliment them. Drop them a text about how good they look, tell them how their smile still gives you butterflies in the tummy, or leave a post-it about how that new outfit they wore looks perfect on them. These encouraging words will make your partner feel good.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

9. Get them things without them asking for them. This should be easy if you know your partner well and are acquainted with their habits. Be it picking up their favorite snack or shopping for some fruits, get it all before they ask for it.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

10. Even if you suck at cooking, try and cook for them. This isn’t too tough and it will make them feel special. Pick out their favorite dish and get working. It’ll show that you’re ready to go that extra mile to see them happy.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

11. Include them in your social circle. Hanging out with friends often becomes a matter of personal space away from your partner but once in a while, make them feel like you want them to be a part of your world by inviting them out with friends.

These 11 Small Gestures Of Love Can Make A Huge Difference In Your Relationship

Just a couple of these everyday things and you’ll always keep the love alive!


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