Storms Reveal Strengths and Weaknesses

Storms Reveal Strengths and Weaknesses

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Change comes to every marriage. Some changes are celebrated—a promotion, personal achievement, a new job, or a new baby. But sometimes the changes bring disappointment—loss of a job, health issues or financial crisis. Every marriage faces a storm at some point in the relationship.

Hard times have a way of revealing the best—and the worst—in our character. Like nuggets of gold emerging from the silt are those whose Christian witness remains strong in the face of adversity, while those of lukewarm faith are also quickly exposed. When storms arise and threats to your relationship appear, face those difficulties together and hold fast to God’s instruction. When you’ve invested in your relationship, built trust and remained committed, you can make it through even the most difficult of storms.

What storm are you facing today and what ONE THING can you communicate to your spouse that will help you work together to overcome the storm?

Remember: “When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever.” – Proverbs 10:25


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