One Toxic Behavior that Drains Your Mental Energy


Angel Chernoff

When life has to be a certain way in order to be good enough for you, you instantly close yourself off from all the real and present opportunities available – you spend all your mental energy resisting life, rather than making the best of it.

And sadly, this is how the vast majority of the human population lives – stuck in a perpetual cycle of resistance.

But YOU DON’T have to continue this cycle.

You can change your mind!

When you consciously choose to let go of the way it “should” be, you free your mind to deal with life’s unexpected changes, challenges and chaos in the most effective way possible…

You create space for acceptance, learning and growth.

You learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

You see the world through an unbiased set of eyes.

And gradually, you allow yourself to step forward with a clear and focused mind.

It’s all about accepting what is, letting go of what was, and having faith in your journey.

Closing the door, completing the chapter, turning the page, etc. – it doesn’t matter what you title it…what matters is that you find the strength to leave in the past those parts of your life that are over, so you can better attend to the present.

What has happened is uncontrollable; what you do now changes everything!

Of course, knowing this and actually living a lifestyle that reinforces this truth are two very different things. Letting go – changing the way you think – is NOT easy; it’s a journey that is traveled one day at a time.

It can be excruciatingly difficult to leave a long-term life situation behind, even when your inner-wisdom tells you that things aren’t right and that it’s time to let go. At this point, you can choose to let go and endure the sudden pain of leaving behind the familiar to make way for a new chapter in your life, or you can stay and suffer a constant, aching pain that gradually eats away at your heart and mind like a cancer… until you wake up one day and find yourself buried so deep in the dysfunction of the situation that you barely remember who you are and what you desire.

Choose wisely!

Things will happen that are unexpected, undesirable, and uncontrollable. But you can always choose to take the next tiniest step. Be brave and take it…

Choose to make mistakes, learn from them, let go of them, and move along.

Choose to think better about the past and present, so you can consciously make the best of the rest of your life.

But, again, as I’m sure you’re aware, that’s sometimes much easier said than done.

Thinking better takes guidance and practice.


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