How to Have a Healthy and Enjoyable Relationship

How to Have a Healthy and Enjoyable Relationship


Team LovePanky

A healthy relationship isn’t hard to experience if you know what really matters. Find out here how to have a healthy relationship with your partner.

If you’ve read the first five points on how to have a healthy relationship (See What is a Good Relationship? – The Signs.), you’d see that most of the factors should come naturally.

You can’t force yourself into a relationship and expect good things to come out of it.

Successful relationships need compatibility and chemistry, and the ten factors mentioned here.

Time may fly and the first few months of infatuation may blossom into mature love, but that’s no excuse to let the excitement fade away.

In a healthy relationship, the relationship may mature, but it still stays fresh and exciting all the time.

How to have a healthy relationship

Understanding the secrets of a healthy relationship doesn’t require a rocket scientist’s precision or an artist’s imagination.

All of us have the opportunity to experience it.

Just as long as you are willing to selflessly love your partner and look for little ways to keep love alive.

Find out how to have a healthy relationship in these steps.

#6 You love the sex

Many say that sex is overrated. But it really isn’t. Sex is actually pretty important in a healthy romantic relationship.

If you’re not really excited by your partner sexually or if both of you have overlooked sex over the years together, you’re not a romantic couple in love anymore. You may as well be platonic friends living together!

At the beginning of a relationship, you may feel a tingle of excitement rush up your spine even if your partner just touches your palms. But as the relationship gets older, even a good thrust may not bring the same hardening excitement anymore. It’s a brutal truth that all lovers have to accept. You get used to an exciting thing, and after a while, the excitement wears off.

In a healthy relationship, couples have to look for ways to bring the excitement back alive even if it involves something outrageous or bordering on adulterous. Couples in a healthy relationship enjoy a good sex life, either through good sex in bed or by enacting fantasies or doing something just as outrageous. Remember, what may seem normal to someone else may seem sexually taboo to you and vice versa. Indulge in what keeps you happy, and don’t bother about what the world thinks.

#7 You’re prepared to work for it

A healthy relationship requires a lot of work. If you’re passionate about your relationship and its happiness, of course, this won’t seem like work at all.

In a happy relationship, lovers constantly look for ways to keep love alive, be it through special surprise parties or thoughtful gifts. Just like your job, you need to see progress every day in love too, if you want to experience a better relationship. You can’t just sit back and wait for the good times to roll in love. You need to initiate it. Go away on romantic vacations and look for ways to create happy memories all the time, even if it means just watching a movie at home on the couch.

Have a happy outlook, be cheerful, fun and loving. And don’t ever forget that inner young lover in you who used to get so excited to be able to spend some time with your sweetheart.

#8 Both of you stand by each other

In a healthy relationship, lovers don’t point fingers or accuse each other. They stand by each other.

Life isn’t always a bed of roses. Sometimes, you may experience a lot of happiness and at other times, both of you may have to push your way through tough times and misery. Mistakes happen, and no one in love really tries to make things take a turn for the worse, remember that.

Learn to stand together and support each other when things get tough. Sometimes, hard times are nothing but a test of love and commitment. In a happy relationship, lovers lend a shoulder instead of saying ‘I told you so’.

#9 You trust your partner

Do you trust your partner? It’s quite stupid to be naïve and completely believe your partner even if they’re caught with someone else in bed if they come up with a winding excuse. But unless you have a reason to doubt your partner, learn to completely trust your lover.

In a healthy relationship, both lovers trust each other in love and in decision making. If you respect your partner and trust them, they’ll respect you back and trust you a lot more. Many possessive and jealous lovers accuse their partner of trying to cheat even if they just take a second glance at someone or spend an hour longer on a date out with friends.

Don’t be that lover.

When you accuse your innocent partner, it actually becomes easier for your partner to commit the act later.

“Hah, what the hell… My partner doesn’t trust me anyways… I might as well go ahead with it…”

Trust is important in a lasting relationship. Learn to trust your partner. It’ll make them more loyal and loving, instead of looking for ways to prove a point to you. Always remember, talk is cheap and rumors are rumors unless you find some evidence to believe it’s the truth.

#10 You genuinely love your partner

Of all of the ten factors that make up a good and healthy relationship, this is the most simplest and yet, the most important. Do you really love your partner?

Healthy relationships are built on love and the passion to be by each other’s side. You may experience all the factors of a healthy relationship, but do you truly think you’ve found your soulmate in your partner?

When you genuinely love your partner, you can’t imagine a life without them. It doesn’t mean you’re helpless without them, but you feel incomplete.

Always remember this, in a healthy relationship you shouldn’t need your partner, you should want them!

It’s never too late to experience a healthy relationship. As long as both of you have the will to change for the better and experience the best moments of life together, you’ll experience a perfect and healthy relationship sooner than you think.


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