Avoid Them Like The Plague: 16 Types of Guys Not to Date

Avoid Them Like The Plague: 16 Types of Guys Not to Date

types of guys


Tiffany Grace Reyes

He might seem like a catch at first, but try to imagine him without all that first date charm. Or you could read up on these types of guys to avoid.

Dating can provide you valuable experiences and insights into what kinds of guys are out there. It helps you find out just what you like and don’t like in potential mates and relationships. However, the search for that “someone” can be frustrating. It may come to the point where you’re willing to settle for anyone, overlooking certain qualities you actually don’t like just so you can finally say you’re in a relationship.

However, if you’re a smart enough woman, you’ll know that there are just a few things that you should not put up with. There really are certain types of men that you should stay away from. While you may or may not have dated their kind in the past, there’s still time to change your ways and wise up to their quirks.

Types of guys to avoid dating

Hey, life is too short to date guys you don’t like. So here, we cut to the chase and give you a definitive list of the types of men you shouldn’t date. In fact, you should totally avoid them like a plague.

#1 The Commitophobe. He can be charming, brooding, mysterious, friendly, and the life of the party. He can be all that you’ve ever wanted in a guy. The only problem is that he’s afraid of commitment. There’s a part of you that wants to change him, that wants to be the one to be able to allay his reservations about it, but he says he’s just happy the way you both are. “Just enjoy the ride,” he says. Well, if that’s not what you want, then it’s time to get off at the next stop.

#2 The Control Freak. He buys you a fancy dress and tells you to wear this on your next date. You appreciate it as a grand, romantic gesture—that is, until he tells you what to order at the restaurant, what to talk about, what to say, how to act. Well, girl, you’ve got yourself a control freak. He’s the bossy guy who will order you around and throw a hissy fit if things don’t go his way. This type of guy can be abusive, so it’s best to steer clear.

#3 The Underachiever. Couch potato, lazy, basement-dweller, lives with his mom, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t have plans. You know this guy. He’s the type who will get out of bed just to pee and then go back to lying on the couch for the rest of the day. He has no hobby except for maybe video games, skills, aspirations, or future. Believe us, stay away from this guy.

#4 The Jekyll-and-Hyde. He’ll catch your eye. Every girl’s eye, actually. He’s that dreamy, charming, interesting, witty, prince-charming kind of guy you would love to show off to your family and friends during holiday dinners. However, once you get to know him, you’ll realize that he’s actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Whether he has a drinking problem, an addiction, or he’s just plain bipolar, it should actually be none of your business because you shouldn’t be having anything to do with him!

#5 The Alpha Jerk. You won’t miss him in a pack of other guys, as he is usually the leader. Whether in the club, in the office, or just about anywhere, he is the alpha male—and he won’t let anyone forget it. He can be overbearing to the point that he’s annoying and disrespectful. He might even get into brawls or argue with anyone who he thinks may steal the spotlight from him.

#6 The Mama’s Boy. It’s been said that you’ll know a good guy by looking at how he treats his mother, but if he’s a mama’s boy, then you have to say “no.” He can never make a decision without consulting Mom, and if you ever have a relationship with him, you’ll definitely feel like a third wheel in this too-close-for-comfort relationship, anyway.

#7 The Serial Cheater. This is definitely a guy to avoid at all costs. He’ll lie, deceive, and slither his way into your skirt, as well as the skirts of all the other women in town. If you meet a guy who already has a girlfriend, but he cheats on her with you, get real. If he cheated with you, he’ll probably cheat on you, too. Do yourself a favor and don’t even get involved.

#8 The Rover. Though this guy may not actually act on it, the fact that his eyes are always roving around and visually ogling other women in your presence, the nerve of the guy! is actually enough to make you want to back off. You don’t have to compete for his attention. And if he’s making inappropriate, pervy comments about other women, then what kinds of things is he saying about you behind your back? Pick yourself up and move along. He’s not worth it.

#9 The Free-Loader. He may look the part: nice clothes, nice shoes, well-manicured nails, and all that. However, the free-loader is actually a kept man. He actively seeks out women to pay his way, much as a lazy, talentless guy would do. He will charm you just so you’ll fall into his trap. After that, he’ll make demands while expecting you to unconditionally and unquestioningly provide for him.

#10 The Cheapskate. Unlike the free-loader, this guy will actually pay… for his meal. He’s the type who will ask you out on a date, but then suggest you go Dutch and may even take out a calculator for it. You can’t expect him to buy you flowers, or anything for that matter. It’s not that he can’t afford to take you to dinner and a movie, he’s just cheap.

#11 The Egomaniac. He’s a confident guy. In fact, too confident. He cares way too much about how he looks, his reputation, and being the center of the universe. He dislikes it if your opinion differs from his, because his opinion is truth. Honestly, he’s just exhausting to be around.

#12 The Bachelor. He can be attractive, well-mannered, successful—an actual eligible bachelor. He’ll make you wonder why some woman hasn’t already snagged him down the aisle. Then you’ll start going out and will think that maybe, just maybe, you’re the Mrs. Right he’s waiting for. But then you’re wrong—there’s no right woman for this guy, and there never will be. He’s fully committed, all right—committed to being eternally single.

#13 The Man-Child. He may be in his 30s or 40s, but he’s still acting like a frat boy. He’s into keggers, jerseys, beer pong, and video games. He might bring out the kid in you, too, because he’s a kid himself. But if ever you get into serious trouble, you can’t expect him to be around. He’ll have hopped the fence with the underagers.

#14 The Needy Guy. He shows up with flowers on every date, texts you morning through night, cooks for you from scratch, and is just all around perfect… until you realize that he’s actually clingy. Deep down, he’s insecure, so he needs you to constantly assure him that he’s worth something. Sure, the gestures might be nice, but can you really imagine yourself having to coddle your man 24/7 for the rest of your life? We can’t, either.

#15 The Mr. Know-It-All. He turns every conversation into a debate just so he can hear himself talk. He tells you he’s read every book you ever mention, and he’s studied this and that. But if there are things he’s yet to learn, he’s not going take it in stride. He’ll put up his best fight to assure you that he, indeed, knows all. And if he loses? Prepare for the tantrum to follow.

#16 The Married Guy. This is absolutely, plainly, utterly a tremendous “NO!” Bad idea. Firstly, he’s already taken. He made a commitment to someone through thick and thin, till death do they part. Secondly, how exactly do you think this will pan out for you? And what if his wife finds out? There’s just too much drama that you really needn’t be a part of.

There are plenty of fish in the sea. There still are good, honest, smart, ambitious, hard-working, and socially as well as mentally balanced men out there. So don’t lose hope. It might take time to find these good ones in the vastness of all the lazy, cheating, self-absorbed, needy, greedy, lying jerks that you see.

But don’t settle for any of the latter-mentioned guys, because you deserve so much more than what they can offer. That one good guy is out there waiting for you, even if he comes into your life when you least expect it.

There are good guys, there are bad guys, and there are guys who you really shouldn’t even bother getting to know. Now that you have a hold on the types of men to avoid, remember to steer clear of them and save yourself the trouble and the heartache that may otherwise ensue.


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